Cover - The Beholder - Addison Dollahan Art untitled - Skylar Christian untitled - Lucia Lindow Poetry Cicadas - Nwanma Udokwu Immolation - Nwanma Udokwu The end as I know - Nwanma Udokwu Pieces for my Mother, but Not my Mother - Nwanma Udokwu The boat stands still - Christian Hogan Ode to the Whale Shark - M. C. Cold Sweats - M. C. Anatomy of Melancholy - Andy Zhou Degenerate - Andy Zhou Fiction F*@$ing Christmas - Dalton Pamenter Dave’s Game - Dalton Pamenter Origins - Seren Happs A Tale of One - Seren Happs untitled - Prajna Tammana Picture Perfect - Morgan Miller Shadows in the Flames - Morgan Miller Nonfiction Memories - Zackary Toll The College Menu - Morgan Miller Hanok: Breathing with Nature - Minchae Kim